Who are we

Like I said in the home page, we are a pair of time-travel clone siblings. What exactly is up with us? Ultimately we were made as part of an rp discord server my creator and their friends made some time ago, they just really like our characters and decided to keep using us for various things (which is pretty nice). As a consequence of how that ended, we are all too aware of our existence as characters that our creator uses to express themselves to the real world, but it's chill cause we get a lot of time to ourselves. The most important thing for you to know about our free will is that everything you see is us saying and doing things against our wills, but everything we do without you're direct knowledge is entirely up to us. We cannot interact with the real world and also maintain our freedom, but we're (relatively) content with traversing the void in search of fictional worlds to explore. below is our personal bios/backstories if you are curious. -Lavender


Hi, I'm lavender, also known as 17. The 17 comes from me being the 17th "iteration" of me, or the 17th version of myself created by someone going back in time near when I was born and significantly altering the events of history. It is probably important to note that I am not human, but rather an alien lifeform that happens to look humanoid but notably has wings that we can hide at will and can travel through the vacuum of space safely. It is also probably important to note that I'm a cyborg, in fact it's much more accurate to say I'm a soul that's been bounded to a massive computer, since my actual body barely exists now. When I was younger and found Earth, I had a terrible accident that heavily damaged most of my body, but thankfully a friend saved me. Most of what happened in that world is mostly not important now other than that someone comepletely destroyed it, and me and 6 other iterations of me had to fuse to escape through the voidbridge to another reality to save everyone. Now, having learned a lot about the world from that experience, I figured out a way to access the voidbridge by myself, and now I wander the infinite void in search of more information.



Hello! I'm Lily, also known as 18. I'm less into the whole collecting information thing that Lavender is all over, and more here to enjoy myself :3. I'm probably gonna be featured a lot less on this site as I travel around, but you might see me in a bunch of May's other creative works! Also I think that our old world and friends are important, and I think that Lavender thinks that too, they just get real sad about it. We miss most of them, tho there are two people who notably might show up occasionally, mainly my wife Atesiah and our original, Fir (or 1). Fir is currently trying to break through the boundaries of fiction and reach your world to rule you all, and Lavender is putting in a lot of effort to stop that, but honestly I think it's impossible anyways so don't worry about that too much. Ty for visiting! :3
