
Welcome to the Void Bridge!

6/21 - Lavender

This is a gateway between many worlds, or a way to navigate the void if you're so daring. Here you can find many things that our creator thought useful or interesting. I hope you enjoy your trip around digital reality!

This site is run mainly by me, Lavender, and my time-travel clone sister Lily (or 17 and 18 for my old family.) Technically of course we're just fictional characters being reused as a vehicle to communicate but we hope you can ignore that.

Please check out our creator's webcomic "Children of the Stars" (not out yet :/)

6/21 - Lily :3

Hai! just figured I'd put my thoughts in here since it's the home page, this website allows for us to be free from our written fates, so we appreciate you coming to visit :3